Professor Emeritus,

Dr. Haren Choudury is no more – he left for his heavenly abode on 29th October, 2008. He was only 68 – quite early so, to say, to depart from the world, with lot of dreams, undone/incomplete work of social bearing and importance. The end came very peacefully as he, accompanied by his very devoted wife Shanta, was returning home from Ahmedabad by train after his “successful treatment” there. He had the satisfaction of being with his only son who took care of him there before his end came. People in the train showed lot of respect to the dead and offered help to the distressed lady.

I first met Haren Choudhury as a P.G. student at the Department of Statistics, Gauhati University in the 1960s and he had been in close touch with me for all those years, even after my retirement. He was a keen and meritorious student and passed his M.Sc. Statistics Examination in the First Class. As he was academically bent he did not aspire or apply for other jobs but was keen to be in academic line. He started research work under me – but soon afterwards was appointed a Lecturer in the Department of Statistics, Gauhati University. He was awarded a Ph.D. degree in course of time – the subject of his thesis being “A Study of some Econometric Models”. The subject is a difficult one and he tried to master of subject and continued his study even after obtaining the degree. He was all along a learner – a quality that a teacher should be imbibed with. He impressed the students with his clear grasp of the subject. In course of time, he was appointed Reader and then Professor of Statistics and Head, Department of Statistics and Director, Population Research Centre, which was assigned to the Department by Government of India on more or less permanent basis. He maintained a very friendly relationship with every student, teacher of the Department as well as other Faculty members and other staff members of the University besides other people.

To every student, he was a friend, philosopher and guide; a student could always look to him for guidance and assistance. Many of his student kept close contact with him even after leaving the University – old students spread over the globe were thus associated with the Department through him.

Apart from the usual teaching and other academic duties which he performed very ably he looked into other matters of interest. He organized other academic programmes as well. He was the Chief Person behind organizing a two – day conference (where he could invite and get two renowned Professors from N. America P.K. Sen & S.G. Mohanty), along with a Felicitation Programme in honour his old teacher on his 70th Birthday. A collection of papers of Medhis acquaintances all over the world in the form of a book : Probability Models and Statistics : A J. Medhi Fescrift (of which Choudhury was a joint editor) published by Wiley Eastern Ltd. (a subsidiary of J. Wiley & Sons, New York) was released on the occasion. This was a unique type of recognition bestowed upon a Retired Teacher by any University Department. He worked tirelessly and could enthuse others to work jointly for a good cause. What an effort it needed on the part of Dr. Choudhury and other members of the Department to organize such a programme! His love for his old teachers is very touching indeed.

He was keen to welcome visitors even from abroad to the Department and looked personally to their comfort while being here and trying to get the most of academic benefits in the form of lectures and mutual discussion. He tried to remain in contact with them.

Apart from other activities, he built an organization – A ‘Trust for Popularisation and Development of Statistics’ was created and duly registered at the Guwahati Office for Registration of such a Trust. Funds saved from Conferences etc. held earlier were used in this endeavour.

He used to organize functions under this Trust from time to time. Even private individuals were interested in such a Trust. Members of a well known family have donated a good sum of money to the Trust to organize Lectures in memory the patriarch of the family. This has been held quite regularly.

He was actively associated with many other academic organizations. He contributed immensely to the development of Pub-Kamrup College, Baihata – a locality to which he originality belonged. All these needed sincerity of purpose, hard selfless work and effort on his part for the betterment of the society, in general, and the community in particular. He never claimed any credit or recognition for such work. He was a person who slunned publicity and believed in sincere work and devotion for a cause.

He was a very organized person. He built a special Study Room in his residence to spend his retired life with books and other such things. He kept file records of many of the events neatly arranged. I was amazed, when, in course of showing some other important documents, he showed me a copy of a News Paper dated January 31, 1948 – that appeared in the morning after Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination.

He spent most his time in the study room and with the Computer installed there while living a quiet life devoted to the cause of the community he was associated with. He was a writer and wrote many interesting articles as well as poems. He was looking forward to write some Books. His wish remained unfilled, but his quiet and helpful attitude for all, his human qualities will remain in the minds of the people, who knew him.

He left two well educated children – a son Siddhartha and a daughter Sugata and their families, and his very understanding supportive and gifted wife Shanta, besides a host of friends, relatives and admirers who would ever miss him.

Professor Emeritus,
Gauhati University, India